A credit card number is required to be held on file as a guarantee of payment. Payment is due upon departure unless advance arrangements have been made with the Event Manager.


The Event Manager will contact the client 30 days prior to the event for any changes to times, numbers, menus, etc. A final guarantee count is required 72 hours prior to the event. Billing will be based on this guarantee number or the actual number of guests, whichever is greater. Maggie Valley Club (MVC) will be prepared to serve 10% over the guaranteed number of guests for groups of 100 or less; and 5% for groups in excess of 100.


The event space is guaranteed to be set up two (2) hours prior to the event. Other arrangements may be possible, but not guaranteed.


A private room may be reserved subject to the following terms:

  1. Reservations must be made through the reservation office and approved by the Club management.
  2. Non-members may attend as guests of the Club.
  3. The size of the event will be limited to the number of people the club can comfortably accommodate.
  4. All food and beverage must be purchased through the Club with the exception of certain preapproved specialty items (i.e. wedding cake).

Prior entry to banquet facilities for decoration must be approved by the Event Manager. Banquet rooms are assigned based on expected attendance. If the number change, the Club reserves the right to assign a more appropriate room. Decorations and displays may not be attached to walls, floors, windows, or ceilings with nails, staples, tape or any other substance without prior approval for the Event Manager. The use as glitter or confetti is strictly prohibited. All Club decorations are to remain intact and in place unless permission to remove such is granted by Club management. All banquet and meeting rooms have a rental charge and set/clean-up charge. Rice, bird seed, etc. may not be used in public areas. In case of room reset due to fault of group there will be a $100 reset fee.

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